Your Village BWMA Representatives

Listed below are the names of your Village Representatives. Each of the 56 residential villages in Boca West elects its own Board of Directors and that Board then appoints or elects two Representatives to the Master Association. These Representatives are invited to attend the regular or special meetings of the Boca West Master Association to hear reports from the BWMA Board of Directors and to express their positions on matters of concern to their villages or residents. They cast votes in the annual election of BWMA officers and vote when changes are proposed in the BWMA Declarations or on other matters. Village Boards are responsible for informing their Representatives of the positions of their villages in order for them to properly represent the interests of their community. Residents should contact their Village Representatives about matters they would like to share with the BWMA Board or they may contact the BWMA Board directly by visiting the office, calling or e-mailing.

Each of the 56 residential villages in Boca West elects their own Board of Directors and that Board then appoints or elects two Representatives to the Master Association. These individuals who “represent” the interests of their community to the Master Association Board of Directors. Residents should contact their Village Representatives if they wish to share information with the BWMA Board, or they may contact BWMA directly.

VillageRepresentativeAlternate Representative
AkoyaTalia BejaranoMorris Gurevitch
Arbor Lake Jerry Hammer Dierdre Wilder
BaywoodBruce Lowen Mitch Koval
Boca West ClubMatt LindermanJeanine Banks
Bridgewood Midrise IMarie McAllisterCarolyn Troccolo
Bridgewood Midrise IILarry GinsbergLouise Shure
Bridgewood TH ISean LenehanEsther Mitchell
Bridgewood TH IIEdward EskindMorris Maybruch
Bridgewood TH IIIMarjory WidenskyJeffrey Stark
Bridgewood VillasJoel LautersteinNorman Teman
BrookwoodMorton PlotnickJudy Birnbaum
Cedar GlenLiz RomeLes Kalmus
CedarwoodStewart StempelHarriet Moskowitz
Chapel CreekChuck IsroffRon Roth
Charter CayJudy RomanowCarla Schraub
ClubsideGary QuintiereArnold Kronick
CourtsideDavid BramwitKenneth Manners
Cove, TheSeymour SambergNeil Bergman
Cypress PointGerald LitwinJeffrey Sapper
Cypress WalkWally Shapiro Roy Shulman
Fairway OaksKenneth NamerowLinda Singer
Fairway Point IMarianne JacobsIra Malin
Fairway Point IIRobert FeldMark Bond
Island CourtAudrey FarberMark Wittenstein
Island, TheSteve EtterGary Nath
Lakewood Midrise IHerb AmsterMichael Mirotznik
Lakewood Midrise IIFred FitzhughTBD
Lakewood Midrise IIIVictor Schwartz Richard Karyo
Lakewood Midrise IV Sheldon Erlich Rand Lawrence
Lakewood Garden IMichael SimonsCarole Goldberg
Lakewood Garden IIGary NassauMarvin Frackt
Lakewood Garden IIIHarlan Rausch Ellen Edwards
Laurel OaksSteve Goldsmith Arthur Levison
Laurel Oaks IVAaron AstStan Berg
Mahogany BendJoel MacherSandy Boilen
OakbrookRalph DelmanHoward Boilen
Peppertree IJeffrey HeuerWilliam Kattula
Peppertree IIJulis WaltzerRobert Golden
Peppertree III Sam TuchmanRobert Katten
PinelakeRichard StrulsonKenneth Schwebel
Plantation ColonyRonnie PollardIris Hyman
Planters PointBernard SchlifkeDavid Fox
Pointe, The Nancy FriedSheldon Siskin
Quail HollowSyd GartnerAlita Friedman
Sabal LakeNorman Daitchman Robin Pearl
Sabal Lake WestSharyn GetzelsDon Brookman
Waters BendJayson SchwartzAnn Dee Gruber
Waters EdgeBarney LoiterKenneth Wollenberg
Waters ReachIrv JainchillSteve Berlin
WedgewoodBernard Friedman Robert Spring
Willow Wood GardensSteven Klein Pedro Emiliani
Willow Wood Midrise IFrank TucciAnthony Clerico
Willow Wood Midrise IISteve BeckerRobert Shusterman
Willow Wood Midrise III Ellen Block Leonard Rashkin
Wind Key Gary GoldmanWendy Pare
WoodbridgeLes TagerLisa Yarnell
WoodcrestJoel FligSteven Jonas

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