Your Village BWMA Representatives
Listed below are the names of your Village Representatives. Each of the 56 residential villages in Boca West elects its own Board of Directors and that Board then appoints or elects two Representatives to the Master Association. These Representatives are invited to attend the regular or special meetings of the Boca West Master Association to hear reports from the BWMA Board of Directors and to express their positions on matters of concern to their villages or residents. They cast votes in the annual election of BWMA officers and vote when changes are proposed in the BWMA Declarations or on other matters. Village Boards are responsible for informing their Representatives of the positions of their villages in order for them to properly represent the interests of their community. Residents should contact their Village Representatives about matters they would like to share with the BWMA Board or they may contact the BWMA Board directly by visiting the office, calling or e-mailing.
Each of the 56 residential villages in Boca West elects their own Board of Directors and that Board then appoints or elects two Representatives to the Master Association. These individuals who “represent” the interests of their community to the Master Association Board of Directors. Residents should contact their Village Representatives if they wish to share information with the BWMA Board, or they may contact BWMA directly.
Village | Representative | Alternate Representative |
Akoya | Talia Bejarano | Morris Gurevitch |
Arbor Lake | Jerry Hammer | Dierdre Wilder |
Baywood | Bruce Lowen | Mitch Koval |
Boca West Club | Matt Linderman | Jeanine Banks |
Bridgewood Midrise I | Marie McAllister | Carolyn Troccolo |
Bridgewood Midrise II | Larry Ginsberg | Louise Shure |
Bridgewood TH I | Sean Lenehan | Esther Mitchell |
Bridgewood TH II | Edward Eskind | Morris Maybruch |
Bridgewood TH III | Marjory Widensky | Jeffrey Stark |
Bridgewood Villas | Joel Lauterstein | Norman Teman |
Brookwood | Morton Plotnick | Judy Birnbaum |
Cedar Glen | Liz Rome | Les Kalmus |
Cedarwood | Stewart Stempel | Harriet Moskowitz |
Chapel Creek | Chuck Isroff | Ron Roth |
Charter Cay | Judy Romanow | Carla Schraub |
Clubside | Gary Quintiere | Arnold Kronick |
Courtside | David Bramwit | Kenneth Manners |
Cove, The | Seymour Samberg | Neil Bergman |
Cypress Point | Gerald Litwin | Jeffrey Sapper |
Cypress Walk | Wally Shapiro | Roy Shulman |
Fairway Oaks | Kenneth Namerow | Linda Singer |
Fairway Point I | Marianne Jacobs | Ira Malin |
Fairway Point II | Robert Feld | Mark Bond |
Island Court | Audrey Farber | Mark Wittenstein |
Island, The | Steve Etter | Gary Nath |
Lakewood Midrise I | Herb Amster | Michael Mirotznik |
Lakewood Midrise II | Fred Fitzhugh | TBD |
Lakewood Midrise III | Victor Schwartz | Richard Karyo |
Lakewood Midrise IV | Sheldon Erlich | Rand Lawrence |
Lakewood Garden I | Michael Simons | Carole Goldberg |
Lakewood Garden II | Gary Nassau | Marvin Frackt |
Lakewood Garden III | Harlan Rausch | Ellen Edwards |
Laurel Oaks | Steve Goldsmith | Arthur Levison |
Laurel Oaks IV | Aaron Ast | Stan Berg |
Mahogany Bend | Joel Macher | Sandy Boilen |
Oakbrook | Ralph Delman | Howard Boilen |
Peppertree I | Jeffrey Heuer | William Kattula |
Peppertree II | Julis Waltzer | Robert Golden |
Peppertree III | Sam Tuchman | Robert Katten |
Pinelake | Richard Strulson | Kenneth Schwebel |
Plantation Colony | Ronnie Pollard | Iris Hyman |
Planters Point | Bernard Schlifke | David Fox |
Pointe, The | Nancy Fried | Sheldon Siskin |
Quail Hollow | Syd Gartner | Alita Friedman |
Sabal Lake | Norman Daitchman | Robin Pearl |
Sabal Lake West | Sharyn Getzels | Don Brookman |
Waters Bend | Jayson Schwartz | Ann Dee Gruber |
Waters Edge | Barney Loiter | Kenneth Wollenberg |
Waters Reach | Irv Jainchill | Steve Berlin |
Wedgewood | Bernard Friedman | Robert Spring |
Willow Wood Gardens | Steven Klein | Pedro Emiliani |
Willow Wood Midrise I | Frank Tucci | Anthony Clerico |
Willow Wood Midrise II | Steve Becker | Robert Shusterman |
Willow Wood Midrise III | Ellen Block | Leonard Rashkin |
Wind Key | Gary Goldman | Wendy Pare |
Woodbridge | Les Tager | Lisa Yarnell |
Woodcrest | Joel Flig | Steven Jonas |